Many people purchase fake degrees to get ahead in life. They can be used to impress employers, other employees or friends. However, this practice is illegal and can have a negative impact on society.
Using Veblenian theory, it is possible to analyze the reasons why people buy fake degrees. Degrees serve instrumental and ceremonial purposes and confer excludable but non-rival property rights like abilities, signaling, and status.
Motivations for buying fake degrees
Buying fake diplomas has become an increasingly common phenomenon in today’s world. While the vast majority of individuals seek education through legitimate channels, there are some who choose to pursue the illegitimate route for a variety of reasons. Some people buy fake degrees to misrepresent their credentials for career advancement or financial gain. Others simply want to avoid the time and expense associated with pursuing a real degree.
In some cases, purchasing a fake diploma can help people overcome personal or family obstacles that would otherwise prevent them from reaching their educational goals. For example, if a person’s parents are highly educated, they may place significant pressure on their children to also obtain college degrees. In these situations, the motivation to buy a fake degree can be a way to please one’s parents and maintain social standing.
In other cases, people purchase fake degrees to boost their self-esteem or to gain a competitive edge. For example, if someone is working in a field where it is difficult to get a job without a degree, a fake degree can give them the necessary confidence to apply for positions. In addition, many people use their fake degrees as a form of visual stimulation to motivate them to work hard and achieve success. This motivation can be particularly important for those who have struggled academically.
Fake degree buyers’ profiles
Many of those who buy fake degrees do so for a variety of reasons. Some are trying to boost their resume or social media profile, while others may be attempting to defraud an employer. Others simply want to get a better job or advance in their current role. Whatever the motivation, the practice is on the rise
Amid a global market for fake qualifications, it’s easy to find bogus diplomas for high school diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and even PhD degrees from schools that don’t exist. The fake universities often don’t have a physical address, their faculty photos are stock images and the accreditation bodies they list are non-existent.
Some of the companies linked to these diploma mills offer transcript verification, but it’s difficult to see through their deception. For example, one Axact-affiliated university claimed to offer the service, but its transcript verification letter included a PO box in Arizona.
According to Gollin, who once tracked a degree mill that sold qualifications from fake institutions like Saint Regis University, the best way to cut down on fake qualifications is for consumers to do their homework. He suggests that a government-run website could keep a list of legitimate universities and alert users when they try to access websites of bogus universities. A similar solution would work for counterfeit currency, he says.
Impact of fake degrees on society
Fake degrees are a multi-billion dollar industry and can cause a lot of harm. They can affect a company’s reputation, operations, and even legal standing. Despite their magnitude, fake degrees have received little attention in the academic literature. This paper seeks to fill this gap by examining the impact of fake degrees using economic tools such as club theory and the status function of diplomas. We also explore the implications of the falsification of degrees on the market for legitimate ones.
This paper examines the emergence of fake degrees in a global marketplace, and provides a theoretical framework to analyze their impacts on society. It starts by defining the main terms used in this context, such as “fake degrees” and “diploma mills”. Then it offers a brief history of fake degrees, and discusses the factors that explain their recent development. Finally, it outlines the costs and benefits of this phenomenon from an economic viewpoint.
A growing number of people are buying fake degrees in an effort to boost their job prospects. While some of these people are under-educated wage earners or illegal immigrants, others are well-educated professionals who should know better. The media frequently exposes corporate executives and politicians for falsely claiming educational credentials that they never earned. These revelations lead to a loss of public trust in the institutions that issue these credentials.
Identifying fake degree buyers
While many people are aware that fake degrees are a problem, the truth is that they can be hard to detect. The reason for this is that the degrees are designed to be as similar as possible to authenticated real ones. As such, it’s important to know how to spot a fake degree and avoid them at all costs.
There are many reasons why someone might choose to buy a fake degree, from being unable to afford university fees to wanting to gain social status. In some cases, it can even be a way to get the job they want. However, it is important to remember that the purchase of a fake degree can have serious consequences. In the case of healthcare and engineering, the use of fake qualifications could potentially put lives at risk.
Another concern is that fake degrees are incredibly easy to obtain. According to George Gollin, a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, there are many diploma mills operating all over the world that sell bogus degrees. In addition, Gollin claims that some universities are unwitting partners with these companies.
Fake degrees are a huge issue and they can have serious implications for the recruitment industry. A study suggests that one in three employers never check a candidate’s degree qualification, which is a worrying statistic.